The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 separates the uses of specific land and buildings into various categories  or ‘use classes’.

This is a general guide,  in the first instance, only to the Use Classes and is not intended to be a comprehensive list for taking detailed profressional advice. No liability is accepted for the information it cpontains or for errors or omissions.

It’s important to note that it is up to the local planning authority to determine, dependant on the individual circumstances of each case, which particular ‘use class’ a property may fall into.

Please contact us if you wanyt additional information.


For more information on any of the above, please contact us.

Symudwch gyda Hyder-
- yn y wybodaeth eich bod wedi'ch diogelu fel gwerthwr, prynwr, Landlord neu Denant.   
Rydym yn aelodau o gyrff eiddo proffesiynol:

